the Change I Wish to See

...and whatever else it takes to find my pants


today's second post

So, uh... I've been having a ton of formatting issues with this blog lately.  Though usually they can be corrected with furious repeated re-posting, it's a bit of a hit on my pride (me being technologically literate and all).  But if you blog with Safari and Blogger and have been struggling to get out of this formatting funk, too, leave a comment and let me know.

And since every post must have at least something entertaining or engaging...

No, that is not my baby.

No, I do not know what they did to that baby.

No, I have not yet stopped laughing at that baby's face.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I feel some sort of contest coming on here. That photo NEEDS a caption!

Nina said...

i needed that

Katie Says So said...

heyyyy! i think its a cute babyyyyy!

brad said...

sara: that's a brilliant idea. working on it.

nina: what did they do to that baby?

katie says: he's very cute. i just can't figure out what he's thinking. but it seems like someone disappointed him terribly